Archive for you tube

A satirical look at the use of steroids with Vera De Milo!

Posted in videos with tags , , on March 20, 2008 by meliha


Ok so you are probably wondering how a clip of Jim Carey in 2 piece got a place in this blog.  Even though the clip is just a comedy sketch, I thought it did point out a few good points. Usually when people start taking steroids they never consider the severe long term-effects of steroid abuse. This is usually because the short term effects tend to be easily treatable, like acne. So it is highly unlikely that kids will be concerned about having a heart attack in the future when they see ‘positive’ changes in their physique only a week after taking steroids. Sadly I’m sure many kids have already adopted Vera’s mantra of ‘live fast die young and pretty’. 
So i ask you, does this clip prove that drugs are not taken seriously enough? or does it prove that people are (in particular children) unaware of the repercussions of drug abuse?
Prove me right, prove me wrong either way let me know 🙂


‘The little Hercules’

Posted in children and steroids, videos with tags , , , , on March 4, 2008 by meliha

By the age of nine he was working on a movie version of Little Tarzan with director Joey Travolta. This remarkable Ukrainian boy has had his 10 minutes of fame, but at the expense of missing out, totally, on anything resembling a normal childhood. This fame was not without controversy, as many outspoken parents considered this treatment as nothing short of child-abuse. What I really want to know is where he is now? What is he doing? All I could find were a few recent pictures of Richard but nothing about what he was actually doing- if anyone knows please post something up about it….